Rotation Guide 2021 Part 3: Unified Minds & Hidden Fates

Rotation Guide 2021 Part 3: Unified Minds & Hidden Fates

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Bath TCG blog. With only a week until rotation, I’m sure many of you will be well underway with your binder sorting. Today, we’re going to be looking at Unified Minds, the world’s set, which brought some of the most powerful Pokémon and trainer cards we have ever…

Spiritomb Rises Again

Spiritomb Rises Again

Let me introduce you to my favourite deck at the moment Spiritomb Goons, it relies heavily on Spiritomb and Obstagoon. This deck does well against multiple prize Pokemon which are currently ruling the format, but it can also deal with tiny health Pokemon such as Snom and the Mad Party deck with Obstagoon’s spread abilities….