Love Letter

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All of the eligible young men (and many of the not-so-young) seek to woo the princess of Tempest. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, and you must rely on others to take your romantic letters to her. Will yours reach her first?

Love Letter?is a game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2?4 players. Your goal is to get your love letter into Princess Annette’s hands while deflecting the letters from competing suitors. From a deck with only sixteen cards, each player starts with only one card in hand; one card is removed from play. On a turn, you draw one card, and play one card, trying to expose others and knock them from the game. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long, however, and your letter may be tossed in the fire!

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In this quick card game, players will be dealt 1 card each. On their turn they will choose another card from the main deck and then decide which one to play. Each card represents one of the Princess?s trustees. They may be guards, handmaidens, barons or even the Princess herself! These confidants have different abilities which will help knock out love rivals.??

When playing a card, its special ability will activate. Play a Guard and you will be able to accuse another player of being a certain character. Guess right, and you will stop their letter reaching the Princess. Others such as the Priest will let you look at an opponent?s card and the King will let you swap your hand. Every perk will get you one step closer to the Princess but be wary as players will try to deduce what you have. If players make it to the end of the round and the deck is depleted. The player with the highest scoring card will win and gain a favour token. Once a player has acquired enough tokens, they?ll win the game and the Princess?s affection.?

Love Letter?s 2nd?edition comes packaged in a velvet pouch with silk draw strings. Not only is this aesthetically pleasing but its small size makes it transportable. New artwork, robust tokens and good card stock means Love Letter will keep looking fresh even after countless games.?

So, are you ready to accuse your friends and throw them under a horse and carriage? Love Letter is a quick 20-minute game which will have you laughing, bluffing, and wooing a Princess. Designed by Seiji Kanai and produced by Z-Man Games Love Letter is an instant crowd-pleaser.?


Z-Man Games