Pokemon World Championships - Honolulu 2024

Dragon-types Dive to the Finish Line in Honolulu, Hawaii 2024

Hello everyone! As I am not qualified for worlds I am instead spending far too much time buildingtheoretical decks I would have played to the event. Dragon types have (almost) always been the most powerful but most difficult to play in the TCGdue to their multiple different energy requirements. However, with the amount of accelerators…

Kyan calls on the 108 spirits as he takes on Reading League Cup

Kyan calls on the 108 spirits as he takes on Reading League Cup

Last Sunday I played Spiritomb for Reading’s League Cup. It was the first time I played the deck at a competitive event but after testing in the weeks before I found it as a meta viable deck, which I enjoyed playing. Here’s my list I used: Pokémon (21) Trainers (29) Energy (10) 4x Jirachi (TEU…